Defective Products
There are many types of potential defective product claims, such as defective cars, electronic equipment, children’s toys or generally other chattels and items that can lead to a severe injury or even death.
Very often manufacturers are in a hurry to bring a product to the market and often take dangerous, reckless or negligent actions in not properly testing the product in all sorts of different situations or environments, which could lead to a failure of the product and an injury or even death to consumers.
Velos & Velos Lawyers are able to obtain instructions, investigate circumstances, provide advice and, if necessary, brief expert Barristers, engineers and consultants as may be necessary to thoroughly investigate the possibility of you having a successful defective product claim.
Medical Negligence
Medical negligence claims are extremely difficult, as normally you are dealing with highly experienced medical experts in surgery or in hospitals or medical professionals who usually have an Insurance and a support network to defend medical negligence claims.
If you believe that you are the victim of medical negligence, Velos & Velos Lawyers are able to fully investigate the circumstances and obtain expert advice from other medical consultants and medical legal experts, as well as expert Barristers to support and investigate your claim and the possibility of you having a successful medical negligence claim.
Abuse Claims
Abuse claims can take many forms from bullying in a workplace, intimidation on a face to face basis or through social media and/or the internet. With the proliferation of postings on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and others, abuse claims are on the increase. If you or a family member or friend has been affected by such abuse claims, please do not hesitate to contact Velos & Velos Lawyers to assist you to investigate the background and circumstances and obtain specialist advice from Barristers, if your abuse claim is likely to be successful.
Public Liability
There are many types of public liability circumstances that may give rise to a public liability claim. These include injury in public places, in private property or even in Owner Corporation common areas. Velos & Velos Lawyers have a wide experience to investigate and advise on your unique circumstances, as well as obtain expert reports as may be necessary from expert witness consultants and brief expert Barristers to advise on the possibility of being successful in issuing a public liability claim.
Slips, Trips and Falls
Injury can result from slips, trips and falls in public, private or common areas in Owner Corporations. If you believe that you have a claim due to the negligence of a party or parties causing you to slip, trip or fall, causing you an injury and consider that you may be entitled to make a claim, Velos & Velos Lawyers are able to help.
Velos & Velos Lawyers are ready and able to obtain instructions and investigate your unique circumstances and brief expert engineers or consultants, as well as expert Barristers to advise if you are likely to have a successful claim in your unique circumstances.